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Sunday, September 4, 2011

At the Bird Feeder

I had my first good day with wildlife at the bird feeder.  I had a couple Finichs, a Blue Jay and the little piglet squirrel.   I have put out some corn and peanuts in a hope to keep him from my feeders.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Bowman Lake

So I went on my backpacking trip to Bowman Lake.  This was to be an 2.5 mile easy overnight trip.  I was planning on light hike, set up camp, do a little fishing, chill out in front of a campfire and relaxing nights sleep.  Let's just say I did set up camp but that is about it.  This was the hardest 2.5 miles I have ever done.  Once I set up camp I could not do anymore.  The hike kicked my ass.  I did take a few pictures in the first mile or so but after that all I cared about was setting up camp and going to sleep.  I woke up to thunder and lightning in the distance and seeing as how I knew the way out was going to be as hard as the way in, I opted to just pack up and hump my "out of shape" ass back to the truck.  As the storm started to hit I decided to take a short cut by taking the road. BAD IDEA!!!  When I got about half way back I was on a metal bridge and the storm let loose.  This had to be the scariest storm I was ever in with know where to go standing in the middle of a metal bridge soaking wet.  But I am alive and have a couple of pictures to share.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Backyard Bird Feeding

This is my first attempt at feeding birds in the backyard. I went over to Cherri's Feed 'n' Seed in Auburn and Cherri helped me out on my starter set of bird feeders. As time goes on I plan on adding to this and improving the area. Later this summer I will be working on a butterfly garden for next year that is right next to the feeding area. More pictures will follow as the birds come in.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Bay City Riverwalk

What a night to take a walk on the Bay City river-walk with my good friend Dean.  It was just the right temperature   We started out at Biglow park and walked down to the Community Center.  Lots of ducks and geese out.  We caught sight of four Eastern Great Egrets and then on the way back to my truck I seen them all in the same tree only 15 feet from the dock but it was too dark to get a shot with my camera.   As we where walking a group of swans came up to shore and woman was calling to them by name.  She said that her mother raised them and Dean told me that he seen a woman down at the park petting them.  I got some great shots and have posted them on the right and have a few just below.  Enjoy and get out and see this great state of Michigan!!!!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Spiders in my grass

I woke up early and went out side and found spider webs all of the grass.  I looked in one off webs and there was one of the little workers a funnel weaver spider. With the morning dew their work was a real pretty sight.  I grabbed my camera and took these photos.

Backyard Geese

I woke up this morning to 50+ geese in the backyard and in the field behind the house.  It was nice to see them in my yard again this year.  I can remember when we had quail, partridge and pheasants in the back yard everyday along with rabbits, squirrels and chipmunks.  Now that it is all built up around us I would consider myself luck to see a rabbit once a month.  Now squirrels that is another story for a later day.  Today will be another trip to Chippewa and maybe Nayanquing Point if we have time and most importantly the weather holds out.  Storms are on the way and I might get a crash course on taking pictures of lightning.  Well more later.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Whiting Overlook Park

This is my first attempt at a Blog and my skills at putting my thoughts into words for lack of better terms SUCKS!!!  But anyway here I go...
I saw a post on the Chippewa Nature Center's Facebook page about American White Pelicans being at Dow's cooling ponds.  So I packed up my camera and took my daughter over to the Whiting Overlook Park on Poseyville Road.  This is one of my first attempt at taking wildlife pictures with my new camera, but I meet some great people while I was down there and learned a lot from them.  Kudos to Audrey A. Diadiun and David Springe for the pointers you gave me.  I got some great photos as you can see here.  I was never able to get any good shots of the pelicans but I did get some good shots of eagles.  I am planning a hiking trip to Chippewa Nature Center this weekend so there should be more to follow.